Mar 29,









My philosophy teacher is dying of cancer. He held on for a long time and continued to teach the class, because he was a very motivated individual who cared greatly about his craft. Most of the students in class enjoyed listening to the things he had to say, and learned to overlook the blood-stains on his grey mustache from his frequent chemotherapy-induced nosebleeds.

Eventually, pneumonia set in, and he just couldn't continue to teach the class. As I say these words, he's lying in a hospital bed grading the essay tests we turned in while he was teaching, and slowly dying.

Our new professor sucks. There's constant tension in the class, and her lectures jump around from subject to subject with no logical flow. I feel sorry for her, because teaching this class at this level just doesn't seem to be a task she is capable of. These events remind me of the importance of focusing my energies and aspirations on tasks that suit my level of skill and competence.

We should all point our career goals in paths we are capable of traveling, and then on the other side of the coin realize that what we do for money usually has nothing to do with how "successfull" we are, so long as it's done with skill and semi-pride.

Today's philosophy class was ok though. I brought a 20oz bottle of Tropicana Twister. (Orange-Strawberry-Banana-Flavor) It was good. ..,is she still talking?