Monday, July 3

Part of it has to do with living an hour away from all the people I used to hang out with, and part of it involves being cooped up in a residential neighborhood, but lately I've been very bored.

With a baby on the way, now is probably as good a time as ever to be bored. So I guess it's ok.

Totally changing subjects, DeAnja finally agrees with me that milk from these cows tastes better. It's a family operation. It's Hormone free. It's local. You feel better about supporting the little guy, and above all it tastes a whole lot better.

In other news, I need a dirtbike, and also, being without a truck, a single-axle trailor to carry such a dirtbike on. It will happen. Keep saying that.

But higher on the priority list I'm told, our house (and an adament DeAnja) needs a deck. Such a thing I can totally design and build on my own. Sure thing.